Aim: This activity is aimed at promoting social interaction, communication and strengthening relationships between participants. For refugees, this activity is particularly useful as it helps them to develop communication skills in a new environment, overcome social barriers and create a sense of belonging. Discussions on different topics promote openness, mutual understanding and respect for each other's views.
Number of participants: 12-16
Time: 20 minutes
Variations of implementation: physical and online
A better way to get your home, rental, or office clean.
  • Space

    The teacher will arrange for a large enough room or outdoor area where participants can move freely.
  • Music

    Prepared playlist with music that will be stopped and started periodically.
  • Topics for discussion

    The teacher will prepare several topics for short discussions in advance. The topics can be simple and focused on getting to know each other, e.g.:

    _ What is your favourite food?

    _ What makes you feel at home?

    _ What super skill would you like to have?

    _ What do you enjoy most about the
    new place you live now?

    _ What are your dreams for the future?

    _ How do you spend your free time?

    _ What did you do on the weekend?

    Topics can be tailored to your current need and setting.
  • Introduction to the activity
    The teacher will explain the rules to the participants. As the music plays, participants move freely around the space, they can greet each other or just walk around quietly. Once the music stops, participants quickly find a partner (someone they don't know or haven't talked to yet).
  • Stop the music and enter a topic
    After the music stops, the teacher announces the topic of discussion. Participants have a few minutes to talk in pairs about the topic.
  • Continuation of the music
    After time has elapsed, the music starts again and participants move freely around the space until the music stops again. At each stop, the participants find a new partner and start discussing a new topic given by the teacher.
  • Repeating the process
    This cycle repeats for several rounds, with participants meeting new people and discussing different topics at each break.
  • Conclusion of the activity
    The teacher ends the game when the objective is met or the time allotment is exhausted.
At the end of the activity, it is useful to include a reflection during which participants can share their impressions of the activity. The instructor may ask a few questions to encourage discussion:
  • 1
    How did you feel during the activity? Was it easy or difficult to find a partner and start a discussion?
  • 2
    Which topic interested you the most and why?
  • 3
    Did you find out anything about anyone that surprised you?
  • 4
    How did the activity help you connect better with the other people in the group?
  • 5
    What are the benefits of meeting new people and discussing different topics?