Aim: This activity is intended to help participants relax, interact and encourage creativity and collaboration. This activity is ideal for groups that are just getting to know each other and allows all participants to engage in a fun and interactive way.
Materials: not required
Number of participants: 10-12
Time: 30 minutes
Variation of implementation: physical only
    Participants stand in a circle so that they can be visible and can hear and see each other clearly.
    The teacher or facilitator will explain that participants will send an imaginary feather between them in a clockwise direction. No words will be used in passing the feather, and each participant will choose how to "send" and "receive" the feather.
  • Beginning of the activity
    The facilitator will start the activity by symbolically taking the feather in his/her hand and pointing to the first participant to whom he/she will "send" it. For example, he or she might say, "Imagine I am holding a beautiful, light feather. Now I am sending it to you, (name of participant)."
  • Different ways of passing it on
    The participant who receives the feather may respond in different ways as he or she "passes" it to the next participant:

    _ Palms: he/she can pass the feather from palm to palm.

    _ Blowing: He can "blow" the feather to the next participant on his left.

    _ Fingers: He can pass the feather in his fingers, as if "manipulating" it between his fingers.

    _ Carrying: May "carry" the feather on a shoulder, knee, or other part of the body before passing it to the next participant.
  • Continuation of the activity
    The activity continues until the feather is passed around the circle. Each participant should be able to "pass" the feather in some way and participate creatively in the activity.
  • Conclusion
    Once all participants have received and passed the feather, the facilitator can close the activity with a short summary. He or she can ask participants how they felt about handing over the feather, what they found most interesting about the activity and what they took away from it.
    _ Encourage participants to be as creative and open as possible in their responses.

    _ Make sure that all participants have the opportunity to participate and that no one is left out.

    _ Create a positive and relaxed atmosphere so that participants feel comfortable sharing their ideas and approaches.
This activity not only helps to break the ice, but also strengthens team spirit and encourages collaboration among participants.
Reflection can take place by focusing on the participants' experiences, their perceptions of collaboration and non-verbal communication. Here are possible questions and topics for reflection:
  • 1
    How did you feel when passing the feather without words?
  • 2
    What modes of handing were most interesting to you? Why?
  • 3
    Co vám tato aktivita řekla o komunikaci a spolupráci v týmu?
  • 4
    Jak jste vnímali odpovědnost za předání pírka dál? Bylo pro vás snadné přijmout a předat pírko?
  • 5
    Jaký význam má pro vás symbolika pírka?
  • 6
    Co jste si z této aktivity odnesli do reálného života?